Welcome to our New Memphis Directors!

Posted on August 27, 2024

Midwest NCSY is pleased to announce the appointment of Shayna Kahane Lesnoy (l.) as the new Interim Director of Memphis NCSY, and Rabbi Noach Karp (top r.) as the new Interim Director of Memphis JSU.

Shayna, a Memphis native, has been active in NCSY for over a decade. During high school, she served as president of the Midwest NCSY Regional Board and as a member of the National NCSY Board.

After spending a year in Israel following graduation from the Goldie Margolin School for Girls, Shayna served as an NCSY Advisor. This past year, she was also a participant in the National NCSY Shevet Glaubach Advisor Program, while earning a bachelor’s degree in political science from Yeshiva University.

Earlier this month, Shayna married Zanvy Lesnoy. The couple will live in Washington Heights, NY, and will travel regularly to Memphis to run local NCSY programs.

Rabbi Noach Karp is also a familiar face in Memphis. The Karps moved to Memphis last year to run MJX: The Memphis Jewish Experience. Before that, Rabbi Karp spent over a decade working in Jewish community engagement and education, much of it with teens.

Rabbi Karp earned a degree in rabbinical law from the New England Rabbinical College. He spent many years in rabbinic roles in Columbus, OH; Southeastern Massachusetts; and Provide, RI.

Rabbi Karp and his wife Miriam, an occupational therapist currently dedicating her time to MJX, have eight children ranging in age from 2 months to 16 years.

Rabbi Karp says he and his family are looking forward to the opportunity to “enhance the Jewish life” of teens across Memphis.

“It’s not easy being a teenager ever – and especially in the world that we live in today,” he says. “[At JSU,] we hope to create Jewish space where students can share and feel comfortable, [while] building Jewish pride and Jewish leadership.”

Shayna says she, too, is “very excited” to assume her new role.

“Memphis is my home, and I can’t wait to give back to my community,” says Shayna. “I hope to continue the amazing work of [former NCSY/JSU Director] Rebecca [Eisenstadter] and make the Memphis chapter stronger than ever.”