Online registration is now closed. Please call the office at 847-677-6279 Join teens from all over the Midwest as we spend Memorial Day Weekend together at the beautiful...
This year marks a monumental milestone as NCSY celebrates its 60th anniversary since its founding in 1954. Through the decades, NCSY has become a treasured part of the Jewish...
Join other 5-8th graders from around Chicagoland on Saturday night October 19th from 8-11pm at Dave and Busters. You do not want to miss it!! $20 includes Bus, Power...
The Midwest TJJ Bus (Bus #6) had an amazing time as part of #NCSYSUMMER… You can relive all the excitement by clicking here!
The Jewish Family Experience is a dynamic family-based learning program – a Hebrew School program PLUS – that is dedicated to educating and inspiring Jews across the North Chicago...
During summer 2012, a full bus of Midwest NCSY teens departed for a life changing trip in Israel. The Jerusalem Journey (TJJ). See pictures from their inspiring journey by...
Midwest NCSY’s 2012 Shavuot all-night learning craze, hosted by Skokie’s ever-gracious Kehilat Chovevei Tzion, carried an incredible amount of both communal and Judaic inspiration. The learning attracted a total...
Jewish teens from NCSY, BBYO, Young Judea, NFTY, and Usy have teamed up to end bullying! Check out the video and sign the pledge at