More than 20 Minneapolis JSU teens participated in a new “Learn & Earn” program launched in late January. Each month, the teens learn about leadership through hands-on Torah study...
Eighteen JSU teens from North Shore and Minneapolis spent MLK Weekend making the world a better place. They participated in a JSU Relief Mission to New Orleans, sponsored in...
It’s been nearly two months since the outbreak of war in Israel, and while the initial shock may have worn off, Minneapolis JSU/NCSY continues to stand at the forefront...
In response to a request from teens and parents, Minneapolis JSU/NCSY partnered with JCRC and the Minneapolis Jewish Federation to bring “Israel at War,” a Teen and Parent Summit,...
With record numbers of teens participating in programing – largely in response to the war in Israel – Minneapolis JSU/NCSY has formed a local board of directors who will...
For Benny Marmor, (3rd from r.), a sophomore at Breck School in Minneapolis, the pro-Israel march in Washington in mid-November was something he won’t soon forget. “I can say...
Earlier this month, more than 250 women, men and children from across Chicago’s northern suburbs came together to bake challah – and show their solidarity with Israel – at...
With the war in Israel as the backdrop, nearly 80 high school girls gathered at Beis Medrash Mikor Hachaim in Chicago for “Friday Night Lights,” a full Friday night...
In response to a request from teens and parents, North Shore NCSY/JSU held “Stand Up for Israel,” an evening of Israel education and advocacy in mid November. The program...
Nearly 60 Jewish public school and community day school teens from NCSY/JSU chapters in St. Louis and Minneapolis participated in the 300,000-strong march in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 14...