Jewish Family Experience Payment

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Payment

  • Price: $50.00
    Fee for each session
  • Price: $360.00
    This fee is waived for all Sunday students in the JFE program.
  • Price: $180.00
    This fee is waived for all Sunday students in the JFE program. This is only for students who are planning an Israel or out of state Bar/Bat Mitzvah
  • Price: $360.00
  • Price: $180.00
  • Please include any additional fees here. Booklet, challah, grape juice, candy or others.
  • This fund will provide families that cannot afford to do so with the resources they need to give their child a beautiful and meaningful bar or bat mitzvah through JFE. With a donation of $180 and above, we will honor your bar/bat mitzvah child by adding his/her name to our new, virtual JFE Bnei Mitzvah Fund “Eitz Chaim - Tree Of Life,” which will be displayed on our website.
  • In addition to adding your name to our Virtual Tree of Life, there are also sponsorship opportunities for important ritual items that will be used at all JFE Bar/Bat Mitzvahs. These items include:
  • $0.00
  • Please select over how many months you would like to make your payments. Please make sure to write the monthly payment amount in the "other" section.


Learning Pod Payment

  • $0.00