Meet the New Chicagoland Director!

Posted on September 9, 2021

Rabbi Shmuel Katz has been named the new Chicagoland NCSY/JSU Director.

Shmuel is a native of Los Angeles, CA, where he participated in NCSY as a teen during his years at Yeshiva University High School (YULA). After graduation, he went on a Birthright trip and ended up staying in Israel for 6 years.

For the last 13 years, Shmuel has devoted his time to Torah study. He also taught in Meorot Jerusalem seminary, and was involved in several Jewish outreach programs, including Ner L’Elef, Olami and Kesher Yehudi. Shmuel is also a Mohel, having done nearly 100 brissim to date.

“I’m excited to rejoin NCSY on the giving side,” he says.