After years of planning, this month St. Louis Jewish Student Union (JSU) opened a first-of-its-kind, centralized location for all JSU out-of-club programming. The new Staenberg JSU House will serve...
Rayli Kopelman (r.) from Kansas left the Midwest Fall Regional Shabbaton with more than an increased desire to learn and grow as a Jew. She left with a copy...
Nashville, TN, may be hailed as the home of country music, but local teens are now proud that it’s home to something else – their very own NCSY chapter....
Nearly 250 teens and staff attended Midwest NCSY’s Regional Fall Shabbaton in Racine, WI, in late November, making it the largest Shabbaton in nearly a decade. But the sheer...
Midwest NCSY is pleased to announce the appointment of Shayna Kahane Lesnoy (l.) as the new Interim Director of Memphis NCSY, and Rabbi Noach Karp (top r.) as the...
Midwest NCSY is pleased to announce the appointment of Jacob Wedgle as the new Chicago Director and Director of Community Engagement. Jacob replaces former Chicago Director Kobi Greenfield, who...
For the 40+ Midwest NCSY teens who are now in Israel, it’s been no ordinary summer. Like every year, the teens are taking in the sites, making new friends,...
Nearly 150 teens from across the region participated in Midwest NCSY’s Regional Spring Shabbaton, held at the end of May at Camp Chi in Wisconsin. It was the largest...
Over 40 Midwest NCSY teens are getting ready to head to Israel this July for summer fun – and inspiration. Teens from Chicago, Kansas City, Memphis, and St. Louis will...
North Shore NCSY & JSU held a moving End-of-Year event for teens, parents and community members on June 3 at the Bernard Wenger JCC in Northbrook IL. Chapter Presidents...