Midwest NCSY 4G Annual Shabbaton for High School Girls! למעלה מן הטבע You are unreal! Experience an uplifting Shabbos with your advisors and friends. Featuring guest speaker Mrs. Rivki...
Kansas City NCSY/JSU is excited to welcome Aharon Zazulia as its new City Director. Aharon, a Colorado native, is passionate about everything NCSY. He served as a regional NCSY...
Mirel Jaffe has joined Minneapolis NCSY/JSU as Associate Director. Mirel, a Cleveland native, moved to Minneapolis two year ago after marrying her husband, Eli. She is currently pursuing a...
Chaya Manne has joined St. Louis as a part-time NCSY and JSU advisor. Chaya, a native of Canada, spent the last four years teaching Judaic studies. She is now...
Rebecca Brown is back! A former NCSYer, Rebecca is now Associate Director for Memphis NCSY/JSU. Though Rebecca spent her high school years in Memphis, she is originally from New...
We’re so excited for you to join us on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 29-30, for the first ever iLead Winter Break Summit! This program is for 9th-12th grade high...
Join our bi-weekly Thursday night Latte and Learns on Zoom! Exciting guest speakers! Check out Midwest NCSY on instagram for zoom links and updates!
Click here to donate in honor of Bella a’h Click here to join the program at 7 PM on Wednesday May 13
Dear Parents, NCSY has been running inspirational Shabbatons for over 60 years. Those Shabbatons have educated, uplifted and changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of teens. We are...
Dear Parents, NCSY has been running inspirational Shabbatons for over 60 years. Those Shabbatons have educated, uplifted and changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people....